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computed tomography (LDCT). At this stage of        lung    ma        or    nodules.    However,
              our     knowledge,        the     large-scale       incorporation of strategies that reduce delays in
              implementation  of  lung  cancer  screening  in     both conducting screenings and obtaining the
              Tunisia  is  not  recommended  because  of  the     results  is  imperative.    This  study  should  be
              current  healthcare  system  difficulties.  The      conducted  to  determine  factors  associated
              objectives  of  our  study  was  to  describe  the   with the uptake of LDCT.
              implementation  of  lung  cancer  screening
              programme using LDCT in Monastir and present
              preliminary results (until August 2023).            P36

              Methods                                             CANCER BRONCHOPULMONAIRE

              It  was  a  prospective  observational  study       PRIMITIF DE LA FEMME EN TUNISIE
              conducted  in  Monastir  (Tunisia)  from  2023  to
              2028 among patients at high risk of developing         K.  HEMISSI,  H.DHIFALLAH,  N.GADER,  N.ABID,  M.LOUKIL,
              lung cancer. These patients were recruited from        H.GHRAIRI
              smokers  attending  the  smoking  cessation            SERVICE  DE  PNEUMOLOGIE  ,  HOPITAL  MOHAMED  TAHER
              consultations  at  the  Preventive  Medicine  and      MAAMOURI , NABEUL
              Epidemiology  Department  of  the  Fattouma
              Bourguiba  University  Hospital  of  Monastir  or   Introduction:
              from  patients  participating  in  awareness
              campaigns  conducted  by  this  department.         l’incidence du cancer bronchopulmonaire (KBP)
              Patients with a PLCO m 2012 score ≥ 1.5% were       primitif  de  la  femme  semble  augmenter
              considered with high risk of developing lung        parallèlement à celle du tabagisme.
              cancer.                                             But:  Décrire  les  caractéristiques  cliniques,

              Results :                                           diagnostiques et thérapeutiques des femmes
                                                                  atteintes de KBP primitif.
              From  25  March  2023  to  17  August  2023,  41
              patients  were  included.  All  the  study          Méthodes:
              population were male. Their median age was          Etud     rétrospectiv     portant    sur   l
              60  years  IQR  [58-65].  Cardiovascular  diseases   observations  de  femmes  suivies  pour  KBP
              were  found  among  36%  of  participants.  The     primitif  à  l’hôpital  Maamouri  de  Nabeul  entre
              mean  age  of  smoking  initiation  was  17.2  ±  3.1   janvier 2023 et aout 2024.
              years.  Most of participants(58.3%)  were heavy
              smokers (78.3%). The majority had high or very      Résultats:
              high  nicotine  dependence.  The  Pulmonary         Il s’agit de 18 femmes avec un âge moyen de
              Function Testing of the smokers found a median      59±13 ans (31-84). Les patientes sont multi-tarés
              pulmonary age of 82 years IQR [71-90]. Severe       dans 61 % des cas. Le tabagisme était noté dans
              obstruction  was  detected  among  11.1%  of        23  %  des  cas  (40±31  PA),  le  tabagisme  passif
              patients. The median of PLCO score was 2.4%         dans 69% des cas et l’exposition à la biomasse
              IQR  [1.7-  4.5].  The  median  delay  of  LDCT  result   dans 23% des cas. Le PS était <2 dans 66 % des
              retrieval  was  4  months  IQR  [3-4.5].  LDCT      cas. Les circonstances de découvertes étaient
              identified one case with a lung mass and four       dominées  par  les  signes  respiratoires  (61%),
              cases with pulmonary nodules.                       suivies par les signes neurologiques (22%). Le

              Conclusion                                          délai  de  consultation  moyen  était  de  39±31
                                                                  jours.  La  confirmation  histologique  était
              Our study demonstrated the feasibility of a lung    obtenue  par  fibroscopie  bronchique  (16,7%),
              cancer  screening  protocol  in  the  Tunisian      Biopsie  thoracique  (44,4%),  biopsie  pleurale
              population with the possibility of discovering

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