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(p=0,56),primitif   ou     secondaire     de        A  retrospective  comparative  study  was
              pneumothorax (p=0,038) ou le nombre de jours        conducted involving 112 patients hospitalized in
              de drainage (supérieur à 5) (p=0,713).              the    Pneumology      Department      3,    at
                                                                  Abderrahmane  Mami  Hospital  between
              Conclusion :
                                                                  January  2021  and  June  2024.  All  patients
              Le  drainage  thoracique  est  le  traitement  de   underwent thoracic CT angiography to confirm
              référence  de  pneumothorax  spontané  mais  il     the diagnosis.
              peut entrainer des complications qui peuvent        The patients were divided into two groups:
              être  grave,  essentiellement  lié  selon  notre
              étude au diamètre de drain et le caractère total        •  Group  1  (G1):  72  patients  with  unilateral
              ou partiel du pneumothorax                                 and distal pulmonary embolism.
                                                                      •  Group 2 (G2): 40 patients with proximal
                                                                         and/or bilateral pulmonary embolism.
              P88                                                 Results:

              ASSESSING THE IMPACT OF                             The two groups were comparable in terms of
              PULMONARY EMBOLISM EXTENT                           male predominance, with a sex ratio of 4.14 in G1

              ON CLINICAL OUTCOMES:                               and 19 in G2 (p=0.13). The mean age was 59±11
                                                                  years  for  G1  and  59±16  years  for  G2  (p=0.9).
              INSIGHTS FROM CT IMAGING                            Active  smoking  (p=0.22),  average  tobacco

                                                                  consumption  (53±29  pack-years  in  G1,  43±24
                 C.  KSOURI*,  C.  MOUSSA*,  H.  ROUIS*,  A.  JAMAI*,  R.
                 CHEOUR*,  A. KHATTAB*, I. ZENDAH*, S. MAALEJ*    pack-years in G2, p=0.2), and smoking cessation
                                                                  (p=0.3)  were  comparable  between  the  two
                 HOSPITAL                                         groups.
                                                                  Comorbidities      were     dominated      by
              Introduction:                                       cardiovascular (p=0.5), respiratory (p=0.5), and
                                                                  thromboembolic  diseases  (p=0.2)  without
              Pulmonary  embolism  (PE)  is  a  vascular          significant differences.
              pathology.  Quantifying  the  extent  of  lesions
              observed on thoracic CT angiography is crucial      The initial clinical presentation was dominated
              for  assessing  clinical  severity  and  guiding    by dyspnea (p=0.8), hemoptysis (p=0.5), chest
              therapeutic management. Several studies have        pain    (p=0.33),    and    general    condition
              suggested  a  link  between  the  extent  of        deterioration  (p=0.67),  with  no  significant
              vascular occlusions and the severity of clinical    differences.
              symptoms, including dyspnea, hypoxemia, and         Except for a lower average oxygen saturation
              mortality risk. However, the variability in clinical
              presentations and imaging findings requires a       (SaO2)  in  G2  patients  (92±4  G1  vs.  88±4  G2,
              thoroug     analysis    to    understand    this    p=0.021), the examination upon admission was
              relationship better.                                comparable  between  the  two  groups
                                                                  [respiratory  rate  (p=0.31),  signs  of  respiratory
              This  study  aims  to  explore  the  correlation    distress (p=0.58) and tachycardia (p=0.85)].
              between the extent of PE lesions visualized on
              thoracic  CT  angiography  and  the  clinical       Seventy percent (69.4%) of G1 and 60% of G2
              severity  of  patients,  in  order  to  improve     had  a  partial  pressure  of  oxygen  in  arterial
              diagnostic and treatment strategies.                blood (PaO2) <60 mmHg (p=0.47). Fifty percent
                                                                  of  patients  in  both  groups  required  oxygen
              Method:                                             therapy (p=1) with an average flow rate of 2.8±2
                                                                  L/min for G1 and 1.6±2 L/min for G2 (p=0.11), and

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