Page 25 - Livre électronique du congrès national de pneumologie 2024
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(p=0,05  et  0,02).  Par  ailleurs,  on  trouve  une   Two  months  later,  a  second  assessment  was
              saturation    périphériqu     en    oxygèn          carried out by telephone contact.
              significativement plus basse chez les patients
              obèses  (96,19+/-1,19  vs  97,63+/-1,49)  avec      Results :
              p<0.001, et des signes d’insuffisance cardiaques     Forty  patients  were  collected  (mean  age=53
              droites  dans  le  groupe  des  obèses  (11,53%)    years,    gender-rati     M/F=0.34)    Atopy
              avec p=0,002.                                       symptoms  were  found  in  75%  of  patients,
              Conclusion :                                        including  rhinitis  in  72%  of  cases.  At  the  first
                                                                  evaluation,  77.5%  of  patients  had  at  least  one
              L’obésité augmente le risque de comorbidité         error  when  handling  their  inhalation  device,
              et  de  mauvais  contrôle  chez  les  patients      57.5% had a normal Peak Expiratory Flow, 37.5%
              asthmatiques.  La  lutte  contre  l’obésité  est    had a low adherence to treatment and 42.5%
              primordiale pour une meilleure prise en charge      had an uncontrolled asthma. After eight weeks
              de l'asthme.                                        of  the  therapeutic  education  session,  the
                                                                  second  evaluation  showed  a  statistically
                                                                  significant   improvement      in   treatment
              P7                                                  compliance (p=0.027; 95% CI [0.072, 0.378]) and
                                                                  asthma disease control (p=0.003; 95% CI [0.218,
              ROLE OF THE NURSE IN THE                            0.532])  with  a  clear  decrease  in  ACT  score

              THERAPEUTIC EDUCATION OF                            (p<0.0001; 95% CI [-3.151, -0.949]).
              ASTHMATICS                                          Conclusion :

                 H. SNÈNE, DEROUICH S, BEJI M, AMIRI A, MEHIRI N, LOUZIR   Therapeutic education is one of the pillars of the
                 B                                                care of patients suffering from chronic diseases
                                                                  and particularly asthma. Through this work, the
                 SERVICE  DE  PNEUMOLOGIE,  CHU  MONGI  SLIM  LA  MARSA,   nurse  has  demonstrated  his  crucial  role  in  this
                 TUNIS, TUNISIE                                   care.

              Background :

               Asthma  is  a  major  public  health  problem.  Its   P8
              control  depends  on  several  factors,  mainly
              therapeutic  compliance.  The aim  of this study    EVALUATION DU NIVEAU DE
              was  to  evaluate  the  impact  of  therapeutic     L’ACTIVITÉ PHYSIQUE CHEZ LES
              education,  provided  by  the  nurse,  on  asthma   PATIENTS SUIVIS POUR

              Methods :                                           BRONCHOPNEUMOPATHIE
                                                                  CHRONIQUE OBSTRUCTIVE
              Prospective and descriptive study of asthmatic
              patient    followed    in   th     outpatient          Y. FOUDHAILI E. BEN JEMIA, S. TRIMECH*, H. OUERTANI*, J.
                                                                     BEN AMAR*, H. ZAIBI
              consultations of the pulmonology department
              of the Mongi Slim La Marsa University Hospital,        SERVICE DE PNEUMOLOGIE DE L'HOPITAL CHARLES NICOLE DE
              from  February  1  to  April  15,  2024.  A  first     TUNIS
              assessment  of  treatment  adherence  (Morisky      INTRODUCTION
              questionnaire)  and  asthma  control  (Asthma
              Control  Test  (ACT))  was  made  during  the  first   La   bronchopneumopathie         chronique
              contact, followed by a therapeutic education        obstructive (BPCO) est une maladie respiratoire
              session,  and  this  in  outpatient  consultations.   chronique  qui  impacte  significativement  la
                                                                  qualité de vie des patients. Bien qu'elle soit à

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